
In the late 70’s I teamed up with studio engineer and producer Pete Goodwin to explore the emerging Electronica scene. Pete was very ahead of the crowd in designing his own compositional computer and sound modules.

I always found his rhythms and off-the-wall musical ideas very inspiring and we wrote around 25 pieces together. Not particularly commercial, but very enjoyable to work on.

The Studio was in the basement of Ric Cripps house in Beech Rd Stockport.
Ric was a bass player in the 60’s Stockport music scene. He had a beautiful vintage Fender VI bass. A very sociable guy, always good to work with.

Peter Goodwin

Peter Goodwin 1982

ETI Vocoder
Arny Sage 1982

Arny Sage 1982

TX1-Tranxmixxion – 1983

Music Maker

In 1983 Pete sent off a few of our songs to E&MM magazine and to our delight won Tape of the month! The prize was a meeting with Human League producer Martin Rushent. Sadly we never got to meet him due to his work schedule, but the win gave us confidence to grow our project.

Tape of the month
Tx1-Tranxmixxion credits

The original printout of the track details sent to E&MM.

Peter Goodwin

Peter Goodwin 

Arny Sage

Arny Sage at the BBC 1983

Peter Goodwin – Custom Computer Percussion and programming, Vocoder and tape manipulated vocals…Custom built electronics.

Arny Sage – Synthesizers…Guitar…Vocoder vocal.

80’s Guest Vocalists

Isabel Keyes:
“Only Strangers are Killed” and “Hero”.

Viv Hall:
“I Know There’s Something Going On”.

Ged Mitchell:
Guitar and Vocal on his composition “Champagne” and Guitar on “Circular Eye Movement“.